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Lloyd J. Matthews Attorney at Law


Drug trafficking Atlanta is one of the most prohibited industries. People involved in the sale of these products receive severe consequences as soon as they are caught. Altogether, depending on the amount and the substance involved in drug trafficking, different outcomes follow.

If you keep reading, we shall explain the consequences and results of drug trafficking in Atlanta.

The article also offers information on preventing drug trafficking within the society. 

What is Drug Trafficking?

Drug trafficking Atlanta is the unlawful manufacturing, distribution, sale or use of controlled substances for the purpose of profit and is an act of crime.

Different offences are associated with this type of crime, including packing, selling, supplying, or buying drugs from a dealer.

What Are The Types Of Drug Trafficking In Atlanta?

  • Understanding the existence of a material.
  • Possessing any type of illicit substance.
  • Being aware that the substance was prohibited, a narcotic, a prescription medication, or a controlled substance.
  • Having drugs with the purpose of distributing them.

What Factors Contribute To Drug Trafficking In Atlanta?

1. Corruption 

Among the main goods trafficked on a global scale are drugs, which can be quite profitable for those who deal with them because they may conduct business in other nations by selling narcotics.

Criminals, especially drug dealers, always offer bribes to politicians and police officers to allow them to continue conducting their business and get the drugs at the lowest price. These corrupt drug traffickers also employ force as well as coercion to ensure that they obtain the best bargain.

The international market for drugs is in excess of three hundred and thirty billion dollars annually. The profits of the drug business are quite hard to determine because all involved activities are unlawful.

2. Addiction

A long-term drug addict may have mental and health issues, which could possibly affect their decision-making abilities and also affect the way they judge between right and wrong. This type of behavior and the constant need for substances often lead to criminal behavior.

Those who are addicted mainly focus on purchasing drugs illegally, which results in drug trafficking.

3. Demand For Drugs

According to the United States Department of Justice, there are about 18,000,000 drug users in the USA; hence, the high circulation of drugs in the market is a central driver for drug trafficking in Atlanta.

About 2 million individuals take prescription drugs for the purpose of getting ‘high’, and the most common type is painkillers. It is mainly a result of the abuse of these legal drugs that are legally perceived as legal drugs to treat sicknesses that accompany pain, among other diseases. The rise in demand for drugs occurred because many people have been diagnosed with opioid addiction, and the US drug market is growing rapidly. When these people are denied legal opioids, they turn to other drugs, and one of them is heroin, which is an illicit drug.

4. Easy Money

Drug trafficking is an easy worldwide business that involves making a huge amount of money. Drug dealers make more money from drug traffickers compared to what they can earn from a regular job. 

Money can be made easily in the drug trafficking world without putting in much effort and hard work. Although there are always risks of being caught by law officials, these dealers are able to live a lavish life from what they earn illegally.

5. Supply Of Drugs

Another factor in drug trafficking is the high number of stocks poured into the United States. Mexico and Colombia are major sources of supply of drugs in the United States. They both provide the USA and other nations with substantial amounts of cocaine, heroin, marijuana, and meth.

6. Gang Involvement 

Gang and criminal networks are often linked with drug trafficking. Those who possess a lifestyle that involves crime and violence are usually financially well off. These members have a feeling of superiority as they have power and protection, allowing them to break the law to operate the drug trafficking business.

All these benefits draw the attention of other people to join gangs and engage in criminal activities.

How To Stop Drug Trafficking?

1. Global Operation

A global operation refers to officers exchanging information with member countries about the possibility of an upcoming drug trafficking mission so that various methods can be used to prevent the crime.

2. Education

Educational institutions should teach students the punishment they could receive for a drug trafficking offense in Atlanta. As a result, in future, they will think about the consequences they will face when getting involved in such a crime. 

3. Trained Law Enforcement 

If police worldwide are properly trained on how to investigate a drug trafficking case, then they will be able to find out who is involved.

Drug Trafficking Effects On Society

We have mentioned five of the major effects drug trafficking has on society

1. More Organized Crimes

Drug trafficking is a major crime which can also lead to violence. Very often, criminal gangs have conflicts regarding the high price of drugs.

This is why there is an increase in organized crime as more people get involved in the drug trade to support their addiction.

2. Illegal Businesses 

Drug trafficking in Atlanta is illegal. Then again, the whole drug trade process is an easy way to earn a high amount of money.

People get involved in this illegal business because it pays much more than a regular job or legal business.

3. Health Issues

Statistics show that most people who are involved in the drug trafficking business use the substances and get addicted to them. Taking drugs repeatedly suffers from such diseases as gums and teeth, liver and kidney cancer, and much more.

What Is The Job Of A Drug Trafficking Attorney In Atlanta?

1. Proper Investigation 

A drug trafficking attorney collects evidence, statements from witnesses and police reports to carry out a proper investigation.

2. Defence Strategies 

The benefit of a drug trafficking attorney is to help the accused person AVOID a conviction.

If the person is ultimately convicted, the purpose of the attorney is to try to minimize the punishment or consequences for the convicted individual.

It’s not to help a convicted person be set free (unless it’s an appeal, in which case it IS trying to get the person’s sentence reversed)

The main strategy for a drug trafficking attorney is to help a person ACCUSED of serious drug offenses avoid a CONVICTION and/or a LENGTHY prison sentence.

Drug trafficking differs from ordinary drug possession because of the quantity possessed. In the case of cocaine,  if the amount is greater than 28 grams, it’s no longer a possession.

After the drug weight increases to a certain point the case goes from a possession case to a Trafficking case. Depending on the packaging and other factors, the “simple possession” drug case can become a “possession of drugs with intent to distribute” case

3. Suppressing Evidence 

One of the strongest defense strategies that a drug trafficking attorney employs is to file a motion to suppress. In this motion, he is asking the judge to suppress the drugs because the police violated the suspect’s rights.

If the drugs are suppressed, the jury never gets to hear of the seizure or finding of illegal drugs – the judge excludes all mention of it if he has granted the motion to suppress.

4. Negotiating

The main point of an attorney engaging in plea bargaining is to minimize the risk to the client of a greater sentence if he goes to a jury trial and gets convicted.

5. Defending The Convicted Person

Another job of a drug trafficking attorney in Atlanta is to defend their clients at trial.

The attorney will try to challenge the evidence against their client by presenting a strong defense during the trial. And also argue with the opposition to prove the innocence of the convicted. 

To successfully defend a convicted person, the drug attorney must have the ability to present a compelling case at trial. 

What Is The Largest Drug Bust Recorded In Atlanta, Georgia?

The record of the largest drug bust was recorded in Atlanta at Buckland in March 2024. Anti-narcotics detectives seized substances, which consisted of one hundred moon rocks, 600 THC chocolate bars, 580 pounds of marijuana, and mushrooms, among other bales of narcotics worth two point five million US dollars.

On the scene, the law enforcers also seized $100000 in cash.

Who is the Biggest Drug Cartel?

Sinaloa Cartel — This is among one of the most powerful drug trafficking cartels operating in both North and South American continents.

How Long Do I Have to be Charged with Drug Trafficking in Georgia?

Georgia’s statute of limitations on drug trafficking. — 2 years

Final Words

Many factors have contributed to drug trafficking Atlanta. This needs to be stopped as soon as possible to make people feel better in our society.


Lloyd J. Matthews Attorney at Law

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