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Lloyd J. Matthews Attorney at Law


When facing sex offense charges in Atlanta, or surrounding counties, the stakes are extraordinarily high. You risk severe legal penalties and chaos in your personal and work life. Navigating these charges without specialized legal help can be incredibly challenging. This guide will help you, and will focus on Lloyd Matthews, Attorney, as a possible answer to your troubles. It covers three points. First, the critical role of a sex offense lawyer in Atlanta. Second, the importance of legal representation. Third, how to select the right attorney for your case- this discussion will inexorably lead to Lloyd Matthews, Attorney as an excellent choice to represent you if you find yourself charged with one or more sexual offenses. 

Overview of Sex Offense Charges

In Atlanta, sex offense charges are serious crimes. They are sexual assault, rape, and child molestation, and the various gradations of these. State statutes (Georgia statutes) and Georgia case law define these charges. They carry serious legal risks. A sex offense can be classified as a felony, which often results in severe penalties. If you find yourself facing such charges, hiring a specialized lawyer is crucial. A lawyer with sex offense case experience will know the law and local courts well. This is vital for a strong defense. Lloyd Matthews has been lead counsel on numerous sex offense trials and has in other cases been able to negotiate plea deals that do not entail prison. In a good percentage of cases he has been able to trigger a not guilty verdict at the conclusion of a jury trial.

The stakes are high

The consequences of a sex offense conviction extend beyond legal penalties. They can include large fines, long prison terms, and mandatory sex offender registration. This registration can harm your job prospects, housing, and relationships. The stigma of sex offenses can cause major personal and professional fallout. Given these risks, and extreme “downside” factors, it is vital to have an experienced sexual offense defensive lawyer. They can advocate for you and work to reduce the consequences.

Understanding Sex Offense Charges in Atlanta Types of Sex Offenses

Sex offenses in Atlanta cover a broad spectrum of crimes. And while the focus is on metro Atlanta, please bear in mind that sexual offenses are defined in State statutes, not city ordinances. You must first understand these offenses. They are serious. They are the charges you may be facing.

  • Sexual Assault: This includes non-consensual sexual contact or behavior. It ranges from unwanted touching to more severe assaults. Some of the more serious assaults may involve children, or it can involve allegations of penetration of body orifices. Even if not those, it can involve accusations of extreme force and injury to the alleged victim.
  • Rape is non-consensual sexual intercourse. It is a serious crime with severe penalties. In Georgia, forcible rape involves accusations of the use of force and it has to be against the will of the alleged victim. 
  • Child molestation: it includes any sexual activity with a minor. It is a very serious offense. In Georgia it has the broad definition of any acts done to or in the presence of the child (of course, it has to be for purposes of sexual arousal).

Each offense type has specific statutes in Georgia law. The definitions and penalties can vary. Knowing these definitions will help you. They explain the charges and possible defenses. 

Severity of Penalties

The penalties for sex offenses in Atlanta and surrounding Counties are severe and can include:

  • Prison Time: Sentences can range from several years to life, depending on the charge and the background of the accused person.
  • Fines: Convictions can result in hefty fines, which can add to the financial burden of a legal defense.
  • Sex Offender Registration: Convicted individuals may have to register as sex offenders. This can harm their personal and professional lives. It limits where they can live. In some cases they have to undergo regular “lie detector” tests. The sexual offense convict is without question a second or even third class citizen from the moment they are convicted. 

Being labeled a sex offender can have long-term effects. It can restrict where you live, work, and travel. This registration can hurt your relationships and reputation. So, it’s vital to work with an experienced lawyer. The sexual offense law and defense lawyer expertise is almost a niche type of expertise. One reason this is so, is because of the frequent need to hire an expert in forensic interview techniques to counter the prosecution’s frequent use of experts in this area. They can help you navigate these challenges. You could have had a great DUI lawyer but that does not carry over to the sexual offense area. The two areas are polar opposites in so many different ways! Would you hire a plumber to also fix your roof? Probably not.

Why You Need a Sex Offense Lawyer in Atlanta

Specialized Legal Expertise

Sex offense cases are complex and require specialized legal knowledge. A lawyer with experience in these cases will be familiar with:

  • Legal Procedures: Knowing the legal system and how to navigate it.
  • Case law: Knowledge of past cases and precedents that can affect your defense. For example, does your lawyer know about the Hatley case in Georgia? Are they aware that they need to object if the alleged victim of a child molestation is not produced in court and yet the State intends to go into their statements? For another example, does your lawyer know about the Darst case in Georgia ? Even if he does not know the case name – is he aware of the holding which is that the trial defense attorney was ineffective inasmuch has he failed to obtain certain victim school records, DFACS records, and he failed to call an expert to testify for the defense?
  • Negotiation Skills: Experienced in plea deal negotiations with prosecutors.

A specialized sexual offense lawyer will excel at finding flaws in the prosecution’s case and challenging them. This can be key to getting a favorable result.

Building a Strong Defense

Your lawyer’s role in building a strong defense includes: 

  • Gathering Evidence: Collecting and analyzing evidence that supports your case. 
  • Challenging Evidence: Disputing flawed or inadmissible evidence from the prosecution.
  • Developing a Strategy: Create a defense strategy for your case’s details.

Common defense strategies in sex offense cases include:

  1. Questioning the credibility of the alleged victim and the adults to whom the outcry was made;
  2. Proving consent. Remember- for certain sexual offenses, the State has the burden to show the alleged victim did not consent.
  3. Showing a lack of evidence.
  4. Challenging the interviewing techniques in child molestation cases and suggesting that such techniques were unduly suggestive or otherwise improper.
  5. Demurrer- the indictment has alleged too broad of a time range for when the alleged molestations occurred;
  6. Request a DNA test. If the DNA of the defendant does not match that found in the alleged victim, then that could be a flaw in the State’s case.
  7. Request a lie detector test- if the defendant passes a lie detector test or polygraph test that could slow down the momentum and confidence of the prosecution’s case.

An experienced lawyer will tailor their approach to the unique aspects of your case.

What to Look for in a Sex Offense Lawyer

Experience and Track Record

When choosing a sex offense lawyer, consider:

  • Experience: Look for a lawyer with a proven track record in handling sex offense cases. Lloyd Matthews has substantial experience defending this type of case. 
  • Success Rate: Evaluate their success rate in achieving favorable outcomes for their clients. But always keep in the back of your mind that some cases are difficult to defend- for example, if the defendant has confessed then that is going to be an obstacle for sure. In that case, you still want to see if the defendant was in custody and whether the Miranda rights were properly advised. Also keep in mind there are plenty of cases where the alleged confession was a “false confession” and this is especially prevalent when the accused is a juvenile or has mental disabilities and a low IQ.
  • Local knowledge: An understanding of local laws and courtroom dynamics can be advantageous. One of the best indicators of how a Judge is going to rule on an issue is to examine how they have ruled in past cases in their court. 

Testimonials and case studies can show a lawyer’s ability to handle similar cases. 

Confidentiality and Sensitivity

Sex offense cases require a high level of confidentiality and sensitivity. Choose a lawyer who:

  • Handles Cases Discreetly: Ensures that your case is managed with the utmost discretion.
  • Provides Support: Offers a supportive environment throughout the legal process. 

Your lawyer should know the charges‘ emotional impact and provide support.

The Legal Process for Sex Offense Cases in the Atlanta Metro Area

Initial Consultation

During your first meeting with a lawyer, you can expect:

  • Case Evaluation: Discuss the details of your case and the evidence against you.
  • Strategy Discussion: Outlining potential defense strategies and legal options. 
  •  Outcome Assessment: Providing an overview of possible outcomes and next steps.

This consultation lets you assess whether the lawyer is a fit for your case. It also helps you understand their defense strategy. Whatever you tell the lawyer is kept in strictest confidence. It will not be divulged to outsiders. You can let your hair down during these consultations. 

Pre-Trial and Trial Process 

The legal process involves several stages:

  • Pre-Trial: This phase includes gathering evidence, filing motions, and negotiating with the prosecution. Your lawyer will work to prepare your case for trial or reach a plea deal if appropriate.
  • Trial: If your case goes to trial, your lawyer will represent you in court. They will present your defense and challenge the prosecution’s case. 

Your lawyer will guide you and protect your rights throughout these stages.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Common Concerns and Misconceptions 

  • What are the chances of winning a sex offense case?

Outcomes vary by case specifics. A skilled lawyer can improve your chances by building a strong defense. The existence of a confession, as already stated, can be a stumbling block even for a seasoned sexual offense attorney. A common practice of law enforcement is to “get to” the accused suspect prior to the opportunity to “lawyer up”- essentially to take advantage of surprise in the interrogation process. If the interview was not an “in custody” interview and the suspect was allowed to leave at its conclusion, then it will be hard to get out from under what the accused told the police officer. If the defendant’s account is defense-favorable then that is not necessarily a liability. Plus- these interviews are video and audio recorded 99 out of 100 times. Each case is different and each person accused is different, as mentioned already. 

  • Can I represent myself in a sex offense case?

While it is legally possible, it is highly discouraged due to the complexity of sex offense cases. An experienced prosecutor will have you for lunch if you decide to be a pro se litigant.

  • How long does a sex offense case take?

The duration can vary, but your lawyer will provide a timeline based on your case. Most cases of this type last at least 3 or 4 days.

  • What if I’m falsely accused?

A lawyer can help prove your innocence and address false accusations effectively. If you can show “malice” or perjury, you may even have a civil suit to vindicate yourself and obtain a money damages award. But that will be long after you hear the jury say “not guilty”.


Reiterating the importance of legal representation

Facing sex offense charges in Atlanta and surrounding counties is daunting. So, having a skilled lawyer by your side is crucial. Your lawyer will use their expertise to navigate the complexities of your case. They will help reduce the risks and support you in the legal process. They will be a force for predictability in the face of great uncertainty and emotional turmoil. If you’re facing sex offense charges, don’t wait to seek legal advice. Contact a qualified sex offense lawyer in Atlanta and surrounding metro areas, for a free consultation today. Get professional help as soon as you can. It will improve your chances of a good outcome. Reach out now to ensure that your rights are protected and to begin building a strong defense. Lloyd Matthews will give you as many free consultations as you need, to decide whether to hire him or perhaps some other attorney. He will “shoot straight” with you from the moment you sit down to chat with him about your case


Lloyd J. Matthews Attorney at Law

Free Consultation Let’s Discuss Your Case
(404) 642-7350