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Lloyd J. Matthews Attorney at Law

violent offense attorney atlanta

We have the best violent offense attorney Atlanta that will handle the case of someone accused of committing any violent crime inside the state. We will handle the whole legal process, starting from investigating to making court appeals if needed.

Our violent crimes attorney will defend your rights zealously and to the utmost, within the bounds of the law and ethical principles.

All the details about how a violent crime lawyer can assist those being accused of violent crimes have been given in this article. 

What Does A Violent Crime Lawyer Do?

Below, we have discussed the responsibilities of a criminal lawyer:

1. Investigate The Case

Following the arrest, the criminal lawyer will begin to look into the case and analyze the matter and all the evidence appropriately. We shall also identify all the witnesses and ensure that the accused person’s rights are not violated as we conduct our investigation.

2. Plan Strategies For Defense

The next step is to plan defense strategies that also include filing motions so that we can challenge the evidence shown by the prosecution. After investigating all the evidence, we will develop arguments that will be used in court when representing the client. 

3. Face Court Trials

Our violent offense attorney, Atlanta, will represent the client throughout court hearings, pre-trial motions, arraignments, and whenever an appearance is needed. We will also conduct the cross-examination of the prosecution witnesses and present points of law to the jury.

4. Negotiation

We will negotiate a plea deal if it is determined that a jury trial is ill-advised. If the client does opt for a jury trial and is convicted, we will file a motion for a new trial. 

What Kind Of Violent Crimes Do We Work With?

Our violent offense attorney in Atlanta deals with the following crimes:

  • Kidnapping
  • Assault and Battery
  • Armed robbery
  • Domestic Violence
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Manslaughter
  • Gang-related Violence
  • Child Molestation 

What Are The Characteristics of Violent And Non-Violent Crimes?

Differences between violent and non-violent crimes.

Violent Crimes

Violent crimes include any that cause physical harm to a victim, including sexual assault, or even result in the victim’s death.

A few violent crime examples are:

Non- Violent Crimes

Non-violent crimes do not involve causing physical harm to another person. Instead, non-violent crimes are related to causing damage to a person’s property.

 Non-violent crime examples include:

  • Gambling
  • Crimes related to drugs and alcohol
  • Traffic offenses
  • White collar crimes
  • Arson of personal property
  • Theft

What Causes Violent Crimes According To Our Violent Crimes Defense Lawyers in Atlanta?

According to our violent defense lawyer, Atlanta, these are the causes of violent crimes: 

1. Lack Of Education 

Those who are high school dropouts and lack proper education are most likely to commit crimes. Then again, high school and university students with low incomes and less wealth could resort to carrying out criminal activities to fulfill their demands.

2. Domestic Issues

Family problems that cause an unstable life at home could be another cause of crimes. For example, those teenagers who are arrested for violent crimes could be the victims of abusive parents; in some cases, the parents also take part in crimes.

3. Unemployment 

Unemployment is a common cause of crimes, especially if the convicted person is the breadwinner of the family who loses their job. Inflation is rising, and minimum qualifications are needed for a decent job, which many do not possess. This is the reason why people turn to crimes for money.

4. Mental Health Problems 

Mental health problems are another reason for the increase in violent crimes. Many of those who are mentally challenged do not have well-paid jobs. As a result, their low income restricts them from receiving proper mental healthcare. This causes the symptoms of mental health disorders, leading them to commit crimes.

5. Drug Addiction

Drug addiction and personality disorders are associated with the commission of violent crimes. A person addicted to drugs may resort to violence to obtain the money to buy drugs or may directly rob the drug dealer of their drugs so they can get their next “fix.”

6. Rise Of Violent Street Gangs

The rise and prevalence of violent street gangs have, without a doubt, contributed to creating more violent crimes. Some gangs rely heavily on violence and machismo- they actually glorify violence, and they believe it is “macho.”

What Are Domestic Violence Offenses in Atlanta

Domestic violence, therefore, means attempting to intentionally physically injure any other family member or mentally abusing the individual.

There is nothing worse than having to put up with domestic violence. It is a crime that threatens your future for as long as you live. The most likely outcomes that a person who has been arrested on charges of domestic violence will receive are possible fines and imprisonment. This is why it is necessary to discuss the severe consequences that one can get for committing such crimes.

Domestic Violence Charge Types

These are the different domestic violence charge types:

1. Physical Abuse

Physical abuse involves causing serious bodily injuries to the victim. The most common forms of physical abuse include physical force, which leads to broken bones or other physical pain. You could face a high penalty if the victim you injured has visible injuries such as scars, bruises, swelling, etc.

2. Sexual Abuse

If you are charged with some form of sexual assault, then most likely, the State is claiming that you sexually violated either an adult person or a child.

Another form of sexual abuse involves sexually demeaning the victim constantly, which consists of asking for sexual favors and making negative remarks related to sex.

3. Financial Abuse

If you have been accused of financially abusing your victim, then it’s most likely that you restricted their availability of financial resources. Basically, this type of abuse means that the victim is totally dependent on the convicted person for finances. Elders, the convicted person’s children, or spouses commonly face this type of abuse.

Why Should You Hire Our Violent Crime Lawyers in Atlanta?

In the event that one finds oneself under accusation of engaging in unlawful activity within the Atlanta metro area, the procurement of legal representation from our firm may yield advantages that can be delineated as follows:

1. One to One Consultation 

Our violent crime attorney, Atlanta, will sit down with the accused for a one-to-one consultation session to explain all the legal formalities. This includes discussing legal rights, gathering evidence by asking questions, explaining forms of punishments or penalties the accused could face, and so on.

2. Well Experienced 

Within our criminal defense practice, the legal practitioner specializing in defense against violent criminal accusations possesses the considerable experience, having addressed a multitude of cases throughout the preceding years. With our violent crime lawyers, we can ensure that we gather enough evidence in court to ensure our client wins the case.

3. Good Reputation For Winning Previous Cases

We have a good reputation for winning a significant percentage of the cases we take on. There are two ways to define “win” in this context. You can go to a jury trial and get found not guilty. That’s a “win”. Also, your lawyer can file Motions and prevail on those – that, too, is a “win.”

We will appeal from any conviction of crimes the client was accused of and convicted of. 

Also, before sentencing, we will craft good arguments as to why the judge should sentence leniently.

4. Always Available 

It’s tough to predict when a person will get arrested for committing a crime and look for a violent offense attorney. This is why we are always available, even if an accused is arrested in the middle of the night.


Our violent crime offense attorney in Atlanta is an expert in handling the most complicated violent crime cases. We will take responsibility for the whole legal process, which includes investigating your case, preparing necessary documents for your court hearing, and basically everything we can to save you from getting locked up or receiving a heavy penalty.

We will also give you any type of mental support you require until a verdict has been given. Once you hire us, we will take full responsibility to keep you safe and stress-free, providing that you co-operate with us.  


  1. What causes criminal violence in Atlanta?

The most common cause of criminal violence in Atlanta is due to poverty.

  1. What is the job of a violent crime defense attorney?

A violence crime defense attorney represents those who face criminal charges. The attorney is also responsible for protecting the rights of the accused.

  1. What are the most common non-violent crimes?

The most common non-violent crimes in Atlanta are theft, burglary, traffic offenses,  forgery, and financial identity fraud.

  1. What is the violent crime rate in Atlanta?

Atlanta has a violent crime rate of 55 per 10,000 of the population.

  1. What is the non-violent crime rate in Atlanta?

The non-violent crime rate in Atlanta is 3.26 per thousand of the population.


Lloyd J. Matthews Attorney at Law

Free Consultation Let’s Discuss Your Case
(404) 642-7350